Arxiv 2024
VidMaestro: Towards Photo-realistic and High-dynamic Video Generations
Arxiv 2024

Binbin Yang1Kangyang Xie2Xinyu Xiao3Meng Wang3Yang Liu1Jingdong Chen3Ming Yang3Liang Lin1

1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Zhejiang University, 3Antgroup



VidMaestro utilizes a reference image (the leftmost frame), and uses a pair of appearance and motion descriptions as prompts to generate a video.



Recent advances in diffusion models have greatly propelled the progress of text-to-image (T2I) generation. However, generating both high-fidelity and high-dynamic videos poses greater challenges due to the high-dimensional latent space, the intricate spatial-temporal relationships, and the strong reliance on high-quality training data. Prior works have sought to extend a T2I diffusion model to a text/image-to-video model by incorporating temporal convolution/self-attention modules. While the integration of temporal operations can enhance temporal coherence, they often suffer from limited object animation and unsatisfactory motion patterns. An underlying cause is the individual frame-wise semantic alignment with the input text prompt, which fails to comprehensively capture the intricate spatial-temporal dynamics.

In this work, we present VidMaestro, a video diffusion model to generate high-definition videos with controllable motion by separately guiding the appearance and motion information. Specifically, our method takes as inputs an appearance prompt, which includes a reference image and a textual description, as well as a motion prompt that details the movement and actions within the video. Unlike previous works that solely use spatial 2D cross-attention to individually align each frame with the appearance prompt, our VidMaestro introduces a motion-aware 3D cross-attention module to comprehensively capture video dynamics in the spatial-temporal space and thereby improve the semantic alignment with the input motion cues. By explicitly guiding the spatial and temporal content with these two cues, our VidMaestro exhibits the capability to generate controllable and high-dynamic motions rather than minimal animations. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superior spatial-temporal generative performance of our method, especially with temporal consistency and controllable motion.



Spatial 2D cross-attention v.s. Motion-aware 3D cross-attention

Spatial 2D cross-attention fails to correctly associate the "roaring" token with appropriate region. By contrast, our motion-aware 3D cross-attention successfully localizes the mouth of the mechanical white tiger and captures its moving trajectory.



2D Cross-attention                                                                                                             3D Cross-attention












Model Architecture


