ICLR 2024
Yinya Huang, Xiaohan Lin, Zhengying Liu, Qingxing Cao, Huajian Xin, Haiming Wang, Zhenguo Li, Linqi Song, Xiaodan Liang
ICLR 2024


Recent large language models (LLMs) have witnessed significant advancement in various tasks, including mathematical reasoning and theorem proving. As these two tasks require strict and formal multi-step inference, they are appealing do mains for exploring the reasoning ability of LLMs but still face important chal lenges. Previous studies such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) have revealed the ef fectiveness of intermediate steps guidance. However, such step-wise annotation requires heavy labor, leading to insufficient training steps for current benchmarks. To fill this gap, this work introduces MUSTARD, a data generation framework that masters u niform synthesis of theorem and proof data of high quality and diversity. MUSTARD synthesizes data in three stages: (1) It samples a few math ematical concept seeds as the problem category. (2) Then, it prompts a genera tive language model with the sampled concepts to obtain both the problems and their step-wise formal solutions. (3) Lastly, the framework utilizes a proof assis tant (e.g., Lean Prover) to filter the valid proofs. With the proposed MUSTARD, we present a theorem-and-proof benchmark MUSTARDSAUCE with 5,866 valid data points. Each data point contains an informal statement, an informal proof, and a translated formal proof that passes the prover validation. We perform ex tensive analysis and demonstrate that MUSTARD generates validated high-quality step-by-step data. We further apply the MUSTARDSAUCE for fine-tuning smaller language models. The fine-tuned Llama 2-7B achieves a 15.41% average rela tive performance gain in automated theorem proving, and 8.18% in math word problems.








Inthispaper,weintroduceMUSTARDtoautomaticallygeneratemathematicaldatasetswithhigh qualitysolutionsthatcoveravarietyofmathematicalskills.LeveragingtheLLMandLeanProver, MUSTARDcangenerate theproblemstatement, informal solution, andformal solution. anduse aLeanProver toautomaticallyverifytheformal solutionandprovidefeedbackfor revision. At last,weapplytheproposedMUSTARDandobtain5,866problemswithstep-by-stepsolutionsthat coverdifferenteducational levelsandmathematicalabilities. Theobtaineddatasethasshownits highquality, diversity, andeffectiveness inimprovinglanguagemodels’mathematical reasoning performance,showingthegreatpotentialofourproposedMUSTARDanddatasetinfurtherresearch onlanguagemodels.