Single-Person Human Pose Estimation Track
1. Metrics
Followed MPII, we use PCKh evaluation measure with Person-Centric (PC) annotations.
2. Submit format
A csv file named pose_result.csv(Click to download a template file) with line format: ImageID.jpg,x1,y1,,x2,y2,,...x16,y16 (The image id should follow test_id list).Joint order: 1,R_Ankle 2,R_Knee 3,R_Hip 4,L_Hip 5,L_Knee 6,L_Ankle 7,B_Pelvis 8,B_Spine 9,B_Neck 10,B_Head 11,R_Wrist 12,R_Elbow 13,R_Shoulder 14,L_Shoulder 15,L_Elbow 16,L_Wrist .Submit your pose_result.csv and wait to see your rank.
3. Class Definition
- Right_Shoulder
- Right_Elbow
- Right_Wrist
- Left_Shoulder
- Left_Elbow
- Left_Wrist
- Right_Hip
- Right_Knee
- Right_Ankle
- Left_Hip
- Left_Knee
- Left_Ankle
- Head
- Neck
- Spine
- Pelvis